Used interrogatively, for what cause, with what motive, or for what purpose; on what account; wherefore. (用作疑问词)为什么原因;有何动机;为何目的;何以;为何。 Why are you leaving so early? 你为什么这么早就要走了? Used relatively, on account of which; for which. (用作关系词)因以;因此。 The reason why he did so are not clear. 他如此做的原因不明。 the whys and (the) wherefores (非正式用法)来龙去脉。 Indicating the speaker's interest, sympathy, indignation, surprise, etc. 表示说话者之兴趣、怜悯、愤慨、惊讶之声。 Why, a child of three could answer that. 哼,三岁小孩也答得出来。 Why, I am sure that is not the case. 啊,我确定事情不是那样。 |