A white substance often found incrusting the teeth. 牙垢。 The salt of tartaric acid, esp. when crude and forming a crust on the inside of wine casks. 酒石。 tartar sauce 鱼酱(含碎酸菜、洋葱、橄榄油的一种调味酱,食炸鱼时所用佐料)。 adj. tartarous. v.t. tartarize. A member of one of the nomadic Mongol tribes of central Asia. 【史】鞑靼人。 Language of the Tartars. 鞑靼语。 Intractable savage-tempered person. 野蛮凶悍的人。 Of or pertaining to the Tartars. 鞑靼人的。 |