To knot or snarl so as to make difficult to unravel. 使缠结;使纠结。 The wind tangled the girl's long hair. 风使那个女孩的长发纠结在一起。 To involve or implicate. 牵连;连累。 to tangle oneself in excuses 陷己于种种辩解中。 To be or become entangled or involved. 缠结;纠缠。 The puppet strings tangle easily. 木偶线容易缠结在一起。 To get involved in an altercation with. 【口】纠缠不清;卷入争论。 A snarl; a confused mass, as of string. 纠结;一团糟(如线之缠结)。 A puzzling situation. 迷惑的状态;纷乱。 His affairs were in a tangle. 他的事情在迷惑的状态中。 (Kinds of) seaweed with long leathery fronds. 长叶海草;海带。 |