One whose business is to make, and sometimes to repair, outer garments for men and women. 成衣匠;裁缝。 Nine tailors make [go to] a man. 【谚】九个裁缝当得一个人(挖苦裁缝师的话)。 The tailor makes the man. 【谚】佛要金装,人要衣装。 To follow the trade of a tailor. 作成衣事业;当裁缝。 Her clothing is tailored by a famous costumier. 她的衣服是由一位著名的女装设计师裁制而成的。 To form or adapt to fit a particular purpose. 修改(使适合);使符合。 We can tailor the house to suit the owner's needs. 我们能修改那房子以迎合屋主的需要。 tailor's chalk 粉土(裁缝用来在布料上划线或作记号的粉笔)。 |