词汇 | turn |
释义 | turn /tɝn/ (过去式: turned; 过去完成式: turned; 现在进行式: turning) v.t. To make to revolve or go round, as a wheel; hence, to revolve in the mind or ponder. 使回转;绕转(如车轮);【喻】反复思考;熟虑。 To do or perform by means of a revolving motion. 旋转;翻转。 to turn a somersault 翻一个筋斗。 To give a circular shape to, by revolving against a sharp edge, as in a lathe. 以车床车[削圆]。 Figuratively, to fashion or mold. 【喻】形成;作成。 to turn a delicate compliment 说动听的恭维话。 To change the direction, attitude, or position of. 转向;改变态度;改变地位。 to turn an automobile 使汽车转向。 to turn one's attention 转变注意力。 Figuratively, to unsettle or upset. 【喻】使动摇;搅乱;使作呕。 to turn one's stomach 令人作呕。 Praise turned his head. 裒奖使他骄矜。 To change from one state or form to another. 改变状态或形式。 to turn cream into butter 将奶精制成奶油。 To translate. 翻译。 to turn English into Latin 将英文译成拉丁文。 To cause to be in a certain position, state, or condition. 使成为...。 Joy turned her faint. 快乐使她晕过去。 To cause to go; send. 遣去;遣送。 to turn the cows out 放牛出去。 to turn in a report 递送报告。 To move to the other side of; go around. 转向;绕转。 to turn a corner 转弯。 To apply to a particular purpose; convert. 作特殊用途;改作他用。 to turn the room into a library 将房间改为图书室。 The church is now turned into a hospital. 教堂现已用作医院。 To invert; reverse. 倒置;翻转。 to turn a coat 将衣翻面。 To make (milk) sour; ferment. 使(牛奶)变酸。 Lack of refrigeration turned the milk. 冷藏不足使得牛奶发酵。 To bend or twist. 弯曲;扭曲。 To repel (an attack). 逐退(攻击);击退。 v.i. To have a circular motion; revolve; rotate. 回转;旋转;转动。 The door turns on its hinges. 门椅门枢而开闭。 To depend; hinge. 依赖;依...而定。 My action turns on yours. 我的行动依你的而定。 The question turns on this point. 该问题视此一点而定。 To change in direction, attitude, or position. 改变方向、态度或位置。 The tides turn. 潮水变向(由涨而退或由退而涨)。 The river turns to the right. 河流折向右方。 Figuratively, to become unsettled or upset. 【喻】动摇;搅乱;作呕。 My stomach turns at the very thought. 一念及此便令我恶心。 My head turns. 我的头晕眩。 To change one's attitude or course of action. 改变态度或行动。 My friend turned against me. 我的朋友背弃我。 To change in condition; change to any stated condition. 情况改变;变成某种情况。 The cream turned sour. 奶精变酸了。 To change in form. 变形。 The cider turned to vinegar. 苹果酒变成醋。 To direct the attention and efforts (to something). 专心致力于(某事)。 to turn to farming 专心务农。 There is no subject on which your thought should turn more frequently than on this. 你的思虑应专注于此,此外别无重要者。 phrases turn a blind eye to 故意忽视;故意不睬。 turn a (the) cold shoulder to 冷待;不待之以礼;以白眼相加。 turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻;置若罔闻;不理睬。 turn a hand 帮忙(常用在否定句中)。 turn a molehill into a mountain 小题大做;大惊小怪。 turn a penny 赚少数的钱;营蝇头微利。 turn a pick-pie 翻筋斗。 turn about (使)向后转。 turn sb adrift 使某人无所依靠,置之不顾;不复关心。 turn against (a)对...不利或有害。(b)使与...敌对;使反对。(c)背叛;仇视。 turn an honest penny 正正当当的赚钱。 turn and rend 谩骂(朋友)。 turn and turn about 互相轮流。 turn [twist; twirl; wind]...around [round] one's (little) finger 随心所欲的摆布。 turn aside (a)转变方向;使转变方向。(b)避免;排拒。 turn away (a)转变...的方向;背向;不看。(b)不许进入。(c)置之一边;丢开;去除。(d)免职;开除。(e)离常规;离本位;离开。 turn back (a)返回。(b)拨慢(钟表)。(c)赶回;使折回。(d)折叠。(e)停止前进;不肯再向前走。 turn [put] back the clock 使时光倒退。 turn battle 转败为胜。 turn cart-wheels 连续侧翻筋斗。 turn color (a)变色。(b)面孔发红;面色变得苍白。 turn down (a)拒绝;摒斥。(b)减弱...的声音,亮度或力量。(c)翻下。(d)翻过来使面向下。 turn face against 转向相反的方向。 turn flukes (鲸)翘起尾巴潜入水中。 turn free 释放。 turn from 往别处看;背过脸去;离开;放弃。 turn in (a)进入;折入;转进。(b)向内弯;使向内曲。(c)【口】就寝。(d)归还;缴交;呈递。(e)交换。(f)告密。(g)【口】合力帮助。 turn (over) in one's grave 九泉之下亦不安息。 turn in the mind 仔细考虑;思索。 turn in on oneself 自我沉思;深居自省。 turn inside out 翻转;将里面翻作外面。 turn into (a)走进或驾车开进(商店、街道等)。(b)(使)变成;变为。 Turn it up! 【口】停下!肃静! turn King's [Queen's; State's] evidence (= turn evidence) 作对供犯不利的证词;为检察官作证人,控告共犯。 turn loose (a)使为所欲为。(b)使爆发。(c)释放;予以自由。(d)射击。(e)开火。(f)发言(尤指冗长而无限制的发言)。 turn of the screw 施加压力。 turn off (a)遮断;关闭(煤气、自来水、电灯等)。(b)关(灯);熄(灯)。(c)解雇;辞退。(d)转向旁边。(e)生产;完成;做。(f)躲开;避开;撇开。(g)施以绞刑。(h)变。(i)因某种原因而使(人)生厌。(j)分岔。(k)【英】结婚。(l)(使)失去(兴趣、喜爱、热情)(是 turn on 的反义语)。 turn on (a)打开(煤气、自来水、电灯等)。(b)依赖;以...为转移。(c)反对;攻击;抵抗。(d)与...有关。(e)使开始;发动。(f)突然摆出某种态度。(g)【俚】引诱(他人)吸毒。(h)【俚】开始吸毒。(i)发动;开动。(j)【俚】引起兴趣或好感。(k)将别人引进某种新经验;使别人产生新的体认。(l)由药物得到或引起刺激;服麻醉药产生飘飘然的感受。 turn on one's heel 突然转身。 turn on the main 【谐】泪如雨下。(= turn on the water-works) turn one's arms against [towards] 向...宣战;攻击。 turn one's back on [upon] (a)离开;丢在后面。(b)拒绝;置之不顾。(c)背弃。 turn one's coat 叛党;变节;倒戈;背弃原则。 turn one's flank 得胜;占上风;占优势。 turn one's hand 开始工作;着手。 turn one's head 【口】使失去判断力;使昏头。 turn one's stomach 令人作呕。 turn out (a)逐出。(b)翻转;翻阅。(c)制成;产出;生产。(d)关闭(电灯、自来水等)。(e)结果;竟然。(f)【口】起床。(g)指向...;使指向。(h)供以衣服、装备等。(i)罢工。(j)清扫;打扫。(k)放出。(l)【口】到场;出现。 turn out crabs. 结果失败或令人失望。 turn out in the cold 拒绝;摒斥。 turn over (a)移交;交付;让渡。(b)考虑。(c)(躺卧时)翻身。(d)翻;翻转。(e)营业额达到...。(f)购买而后卖出(货物)。(g)投资或收回(资本)。(h)销路好。(i)发动(引擎)。 turn over a new leaf 改过自新。 turn paddock to haddock 挥霍。 turn red in the gill 显出怒色;现怒容。 turn round (a)旋转身来;转过来。(b)改变宗旨;改变立场。 turn tail 逃跑。 turn the air blue 口出秽语。 turn the back 走开;逃走。 turn the best side outward 尽力撑场面;尽量使外表好看。 turn the corner 转危为安。 turn the day against one 使某人由优势转为劣势。 turn the die [dice] 改变命运。 turn the edge [point] of 使钝;破坏...的效力。 turn the flank 包抄;以计胜之。 turn the hands on the dial 毁容。 turn the laugh against one 使某人成为笑柄。 turn the occasion to account 利用机会。 turn the other cheek 忍让;受辱而不报复。 turn the scale 扭转局面。 turn the thumbs up 表示赞成;称赞。 turn the tide 扭转局势。 turn the toes up 【俚】死。 turn the trick 【口】获致所希望的结果;使如愿以偿。 turn thumbs down 表示不赞成;表示反对。 turn to (a)求助于。(b)开始;着手;开始工作。(c)指...;参考。(d)变为。(e)指向。(f)其结局将为;有...之趋势。 turn to account (a)利用;用于别途。(b)结果有利。 turn to advantage [profit] 使生利;利用;善用。 turn to bag and wallet 沦为乞丐。 turn [return] to God 忏悔并求上帝恕罪。 turn Truk 变得暴躁而骄傲。 turn turtle 大翻身;使底部朝上;摔得四脚朝天。 turn under [underneath from] 【农】将肥料置于土下。 turn up (a)卷起;翻转;向上弯;向上倾。(b)将(灯等)扭得更亮。(c)将(收音机、电视机等)声音扭得更大。(d)出现;到达。(e)发生。(f)朝上。(g)翻起;挖出来。(h)找到;发现。(i)注意到;被看到。(j)(将死的鲸)肚皮朝上。 turn up one's eyes 作惊讶或凛然不可侵犯之状。 turn up one's nose at 轻视;瞧不起;不屑一顾。 turn up one's toes 【俚】死。 turn up trumps (a)结果甚佳;奏效;幸运;运气好。(b)极有用处;证明用途极大。 turn upon (a)依赖。(b)反对;攻击。 turn upside down 弄得七颠八倒;纷扰。 n. The act of revolving; circular motion, as of a wheel; also, a single revolution or twisting. 旋转;回转(如车轮)。 a turn of the rope about the post 绳索绕柱一周。 A change of direction. 改变方向。 Also, the point where change of direction occurs. 变向点。 A place where a road, river, etc., turns; a bend. 转弯处;弯曲。 a turn in the road 路之转弯处。 A short promenade for exercise. 短距离之散步。 a turn in the park 在公园中散步一回。 A deed or act. 行为;事。 to do a good turn 施惠。 One good turn deserves another. 施惠于人者亦将受人之惠;善有善报。 The time for some act which one does in rotation with others. 轮流;轮班。 It is your turn to sing. 现在轮到你唱。 A special purpose or occasion. 特殊目的;特别时机。 This will not serve your turn. 这不足以帮助你达成目的。 A change in condition, as in the progress of a disease. (情势上的)变动(如病之转机)。 His illness took a turn for the better. 他病势好转。 Bent. 性向;倾向。 He has a turn for Tendency; engineering. 他喜爱工程学。 A particular cast of mind, thought, or the like; inclination; bent. 性质;思想;倾向;才能。 a man of his turn of mind 性情与他相同的人。 He was of a humorous turn. 他是个诙谐的人。 A short piece or act on the stage. 节目。 A startling surprise or shock. 【口】吃惊;震惊。 The news gave him a turn. 此消息使他吃了一惊。 His sudden appearance gave me a turn. 他突然出现使我吃了一惊。 phrases at every turn (a)到处都是;总是。(b)无例外地。 do (sb) a good [an ill; a bad] turn 待人至为亲切[不甚友善]。 do a hand's turn 多少给予帮助(用于疑问或否定局中)。 in one's turn 替换值班;当班、轮到。 in turn (a)依顺序的。(b)也是。 on the turn 正要转;在转动;正要转变。 out of a person's turn 出乎意外。 out of turn (a)不依照顺序的。(b)不合时宜的;不谨慎的;不识相的。 Right [Left; About] turn. (口令)【军】向右转[向左转;向后转]。 serve one's turn 适合(某人之)需要。 take a [one's] turn (at the wheel) 轮流(开车子)。 take a turn for the better [worse] 病情好转[转坏]。 take turns (按次序)替换。 to a turn 恰到好处。 turn of fate 最紧要关愿;危急存亡之秋。 turn of (a) hair 一毫之差。 turn of mind 性格;气质;性向。 turn of speed 动作速度。 turn of the century 前后两世纪之交。 turn of the market 证券市场上买进与卖出价格之差。 turn's indicator [signal] (a)(汽车的)方向指示器。(b)(飞机的)转向表示装置。 hand's turn 作一回。 star turn 最受欢迎的综艺节目。 |
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