A religious system and practice, among the Polynesians and other savage races, in which certain things are made sacred and contact with them forbidden. (玻里尼西亚人或其野蛮民族之)宗教上或惯例上之禁忌。 To place under a ban; forbid; prohibit. 置于禁令之下;禁止;禁用。 The subject was tabooed. 该问题被禁止讨论。 Set apart; made untouchable or sacred by religious custom. 禁忌的(宗教惯例上认为神圣不可侵犯的)。 Prohibited by social custom, law, or prejudice. (为社会习俗、法律或成见所)禁止的。 Slang is taboo in formal discourse. 俚语为正式交谈中所禁用。 |