/`tabɚˏnakḷ/ /`tabɚˏnєkḷ/ A temporary dwelling; a movable residence, or temporary dwelling of the soul. 临时住屋;可移动的住所或帐幕;(灵魂所暂居之)肉体。 A place of worship, esp. one erected temporarily for special services. 礼拜堂(尤指暂时建造以举行特别仪式者)。 In the church communion, a small receptacle to hold the sacred element. 【宗】圣龛(安置圣像或圣物者)。 The movable tent used as place of worship by the Israelites in the wilderness(Exodus 26-27); later, the Jewish temple. (以色列人在旷野中之)圣幕(用作礼拜堂者);(后指)犹太神殿。 the Feast of Tabernacles (纪念祖先流浪旷野的)犹太人的秋祭;圣幕节。 |