The quality of being according to fact; veracity; sincerity; also, faithfulness; loyalty. 与事实相符之性质;真确;诚笃;忠实;忠义。 Correctness; accuracy or exactness. 正确;准确。 Something real and actual; a fact. 真实之物;事实。 A general statement of something proved to be always the case. 真理;定律。 Righteousness; godliness. 正义;正直。 Truth lies at the bottom of a well. 真理不易发现。 to tell the truth 老实说。(= truth to tell) truth to tell 老实说。(= to tell the truth) truth drug 【美】【加】【口】能使人吐露真言的任何药物。(= truth serum) truth serum 【美】【加】【口】能使人吐露真言的任何药物。(= truth drug) adj. truthful. adv. truthfully. n. truthfulness. |