Fatigued; tired; worn out physically or mentally. 疲倦的;疲劳的。 Exhausted, as in patience, by continuance of something tiresome. 精疲力尽的;厌倦的。 Characteristic of, or showing, fatigue. 显出疲倦的。 Causing, or accompanied by, fatigue. 引起疲劳的。 To wear out or make tired. 使疲倦。 Much study wearies the mind. 用功过度使心生厌倦。 To harass or worry by something irksome. 困扰;烦扰。 To become tired or fatigued. 疲倦;变疲劳。 To become impatient. 不耐;不耐烦。 adv. wearily. n. weariness. |