To appear; look; have the semblance of. 似乎;好像;看似。 The sky seems blue. 天空看似蓝色。 The man seems honest. 此然看似诚实。 To appear to exist. 似系;好像有。 There seems no need of hurry. 似无匆促之必要。 To appear to one's own mind. 似觉。 I seem to hear strange voices. 我好像听到有怪声音。 I still seem to feel the motion of the vessel. 我仍似身在舟中,觉其波荡。 as it seems (to me) (我)觉得是。 it should (would) seem 好像是...;似乎就是...。 It seems as if (as though) 好像是...样的。 It seems so. (=So it seems) 好像是这样。 |