To fasten to something above so as to hang down. 垂;悬。 The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 这灯从天花板悬吊下来。 To hang, or to hold as if by hanging. 悬吊;浮游。 A balloon was suspended in mid-air. 气球浮于空中。 To delay; hold undecided. 延缓;悬而未决;搁置。 Judgment was suspended till the following Monday. 延至下星期一才判决。 To cause to cease for a time. 使暂时停止;暂时中断。 To debar, or keep out, for a time. 暂时禁止;暂时停职;暂时停学。 He was suspended from school for a month. 他被停学一个月。 To withhold payment. 停止清偿(债务)。 To be suspended; hang. 悬吊;垂挂。 suspended animation 暂时中止生命机能活动;不省人事。 |