An ornamental fabric of fine threads, as of linen, cotton, gold, etc. woven in a delicate open pattern. 花边。 A cord passed through eyelets or other holes in order to bind or fasten. (穿孔而用以束紧各部之)系带。 To fasten with a cord. 用带束紧。 The child has learned to lace his shoes. 这小孩已学会系鞋带。 To adorn or trim, as with narrow braid, etc. 装饰;(以饰带等)修饰。 To add a dash or liquor to. 加少量酒于...。 He laced coffee with brandy. 他在咖啡中加入白兰地。 To weave or twine together. 编织或编结在一块。 To provide with laces. 【口】加上花边。 To attack verbally or physically. 斥骂;打。 |