To give in charge or trust. 委托。 To consign to custody, esp. for a short time. 拘留(暂时之监禁)。 He was found guilty and committed to prison. 他因有罪而被拘禁。 To refer (a bill) to a committee. 发交(议案于)委员会。 To perform or perpetrate, as a crime. 做(坏事);犯(罪)。 The man committed a crime when he robbed the bank. 这人抢银行犯了罪。 To reveal the views of. 透露意见。 He refused to commit himself on the issue. 他拒绝透露对此问题的看法。 To pledge; to promise to a certain cause, position, opinion, etc. 约誓;承诺。 The town committed itself to raising money for the new hospital. 这城镇决定为新医院募钱。 commit oneself (to) 承诺;答应负责。 commit to print (非正式用法)写下来;记录。 commit to the flames 付之一炬。 |