词汇 | record |
释义 | record record 1 /rɪ`kɔrd/ (过去式: recorded; 过去完成式: recorded; 现在进行式: recording) v.t. To write out or set down, as in a book, a true account of. 记录;登载。 to record events 记录事实。 Her busy pencil was recording his words. 她正奋笔疾书写下他所说的话。 To set down in some permanent form, as in writing. 记载;录制。 to record one's opinions 记载意见。 We recorded Bach's cantatas. 我们录制巴哈的清唱剧。 To register; enroll. 注册;登记。 To mark or indicate. 表明;显示。 The clock records time. 钟是计时用的。 record 2 /`rєkɚd/ n. The state of being recorded in writing and so established as fact. 记录;记载。 An official written or printed report of public acts. (官方之)案卷;(公家之)记录。 The body of facts, known and preserved, giving the history of anything. 档案。 The cylinder, disk, or paper roll for reproducing sounds in phonographs, etc. 唱片。 An official copy of all documents presented in a case. 【法律】诉讼案卷。 Official list of achievements good or bad. 履历;经历。 In sports, the best performance so far achieved officially at any given time. (运动竞赛之)最高记录。 The official register of best performances. 最佳成绩之正式记录。 Criminal record. 前科;犯罪记录。 phrases bear record to 可证明...。 beat [break; cut] the record 破天荒;破例;破记录。 establish [set] a record 创记录。 for the record 为使明白而说明意见、事实等。 go on record 正式地发表意见;公开宣布。 keep in record 被载于记录;被记载着。 keep to the record 不离本题。 off the record 不公开的;非正式地。 on record (a)被记载的。(b)公开发表地。 put on record 记录(下来)。 travel out of the record 偏离本题;离题。 adj. Best of its king up to a given time. (某时期内)最优的。 a record crop 最优之收获;空前之收获。 idoms record breaker 破记录者。 record changer 自动换唱片装置。 record holder 记录保持者。 record player 电唱机。 the Record Office 【英】(对外公开的)档案室。 Olympic Record 【体】奥运纪录。 World Record 【体】世界纪录。 synonyms n, chronicle, annals, , See history. |
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