A written or printed paper containing a list or inventory. 表;目录。 a railroad schedule 火车行车时刻表。 A list or document attached to a more important paper, as a will. 附件。 Plan listing the steps necessary for the completion of a project and the time allotted for each step. 计划进度表(包括完成计划之步骤及其时间)。 Listing of events to occur in a specific time and order. 计划表;程序表;议事日程。 ahead of schedule 在预定时间之先;提前。 behind schedule 在预定时间之后;落后。 To place in such a list. 载入目录;载入程序表。 To make a list of. 编成程序表;排定。 The secretary is trying to schedule the month's appointments. 秘书正在排定本月的约会。 To plan to occur or be done at a certain time or date. 计划在特定时间进行。 We're scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday. 我们定于星期二出庭。 |