/`rɪdɪˏkjul/ /`rɪdɪˏkɪul/ Words, looks, or acts intended to cause the subject of them to be laughed at comtemptuously. 嘲弄(别人的话语、姿态或行为)。 There is no ridicule in what he says. 他话中毫无讥笑之意。 Sarcasm; mockery; satire. 讥刺;揶揄;讽刺。 lay oneself open to ridicule 贻人笑柄;贻笑大方。 turn into [to] ridicule 嘲弄;愚弄。 To make fun of; treat with derision or contempt. 嘲弄;嘲弄;轻视。 His classmates ridiculed him. 他的同学嘲笑他。 n, irony, derision, jeer. |