A flat-bottomed boat, square at the ends, usually propelled with a pole. 一种平底方头船(常以竿推进)。 To propel, as a boat, by pushing with a pole. 用竿撑(船)。 To go fishing, boating, or shooting in a punt. 成方头平底船(钓鱼、划船或打猎)。 In football, the act of kicking a ball dropped form the hand, before it touches the ground. 【体】(橄榄球)踢球(指离手而未着地之球)。 To kick a ball dropped, before it touches the ground. 踢(离手而未着地之球)。 To play at a gambling game against the banker; bet on a horse, etc. 赌庄家;下赌注。 |