Older; prior in time, origin, or appointment; senior. 较长的;时序较先的;先出世的;前辈的。 One older or superior in age, rank, or station. 年龄较长者;职位或身份较高之人。 Which is the elder? 谁为较长者? In certain Protestant churches, esp. the Presbyterian, a governing officer. 基督教中之长老;(尤指)长老会之长老。 Influential older member of a tribe, family, or organization. 族长;祖先;元老。 elder statesmen 政界元老(已退休,但曾居高阶,仍具影响力的政界老前辈)。 Bush or small tree with clusters of while flowers and red or black berries. 【植】接骨木(有白花和红或黑桨果的一种矮树)。 |