/`orɪˏєnt/ /`ɔrɪˏєnt/ /`orɪәnt/ Rising, as the sun. (太阳等)上升的。 Pertaining to, or coming from, the east. 东方的;自东方来的。 The Far East. [the ~] 远东地区。 The countries to E and SE of the Mediterranean. 东方诸国(远东诸国或地中海东岸及东南岸诸国)。 To set facing the east. 使向东方。 To find the position of, in relation to the east. 依正东为准订出方位。 The building is oriented south and north. 这栋房子是坐北朝南的。 To adjust, as to a new environment. 调整适应(新环境)。 He oriented his idea to new conditions. 他调适思想适应新环境。 orient oneself 确定自己的方位;决定方针;表明态度。 |