Courageous; fearless; venturesome. 勇敢的;无畏的;好冒险的。 Planned or carried out with daring and spirit. 有胆识的;大胆的。 Steep; abrupt, as a cliff. (悬崖等)陡峭的。 Prominent; in high relief. 显著的;显眼的;清楚的。 Venturing beyond the commonplace; mentally vigorous. 勇敢非凡的;精神健旺的。 Impudent; presuming, as a speech. 厚颜的;言语冒昧的。 (as) bold as brass 莽撞;厚颜无耻的。 make bold (free) with 擅自取用。 adv. boldly. n. boldness. brave, daring, undaunted, brazen. |