One stroke over par on a hole. 【体】(高尔夫)超过某动标准杆数一杆。 An unidentified flying object, usually one not positively identified as friendly and so assumed to be hostile. 【俚】不明飞行物体。 To shoot (a hole in golf) in over an par. 击出较标准杆数多一的杆数。 A hobgoblin; specter; bugbear; ghost. 妖怪;吓人的东西;鬼怪。 Same as bogie(1), bogy(1). 亦可作 bogie(1), bogy(1)。 A swiveling railway truck. (铁路)转向车。 Same as bogie(2), bogy(2). 亦可作 bogie(2), bogy(2)。 |