To brag; speak of oneself or one's belongings in loud and vain terms. 【贬】吹嘘;自夸。 He boasts of his ancestors. 他吹嘘他的祖先。 He boasts himself the best tennis player in the school. 他夸言自己是全校最佳网球手。 To process as a thing to be proud of. 以有...而自豪;自恃有。 He boasted a fine ranch. 他拥有一个足以自豪的农场。 The library boasts a first edition of Shakespeare. 图书馆以拥有初版的莎士比亚集而自豪。 A proud, vainglorious speech. 【贬】吹嘘;自夸;自夸之词。 A cause of pride, vanity, or praiseworthy triumph. 可以夸耀的事物或人。 Shakespeare is the boast of English literature. 莎士比亚是英国文学引以为傲的文学家。 |