One of the four points of the compass; the point opposite to the south, or to the left of a person facing the sunrise. 北;北方。 The northern part of a country, district, etc. (一国或一地区之)北部。 the north of Taiwan 台湾北部地方。 Pertaining to, situated in, or coming from, the north. 北方的;位于北方的;来自北方的。 Towards the north, or in the north. 向北地;在北方地。 The wind is blowing north. 风向北刮。 north by east (west) 北偏东(西)。 North country 【英】英格兰北部地方;【美】阿拉斯加及加拿大西北部。 north light 来自北方(窗)的光线(较为自然柔和,适于作画) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织。 |