Rebuke or blame expressed with sorrow or anger. 责备;怒斥。 the mute reproach in his eyes 他眼神中无声的斥责。 The state of being disgraced or dishonored. 受辱;遭斥责。 Instance of reproaching; a word or phrases of blame. 责备的行为;责难的字眼;谴责的话语。 Something that brings shame. 不名誉的事物。 beyond reproach 无可指责的;完美的。 bring reproach on [upon] 带来耻辱(不名誉)。 heap reproaches on 严厉指责;痛叱。 To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; rebuke or blame. 责备;叱骂;非难((for; with))。 They reproached him bitterly for his cowardice. 他们严责其胆怯。 To bring shame or dishonor upon. 羞辱;使不名誉。 adj. reproachable. n. reproacher. |