Denoting one person or thing. 【文法】单数的。 Being the only one of its kind; unique. 独一的;绝无仅有的。 an event singular in the history of the world 世界历使上仅有之事。 Peculiar; strange. 特别的;奇异的。 He was very singular in his behavior. 他的行为极为奇异。 Remarkable; extraordinary. 非凡的;非常的。 a woman of singular charm 美貌出众之妇人。 The number denoting this number. 【文法】单数。 The form of a word denoting this number. 单数字之变化式。 A word in the form of this number. 单数字。 singular successor 【法律】非由继承而获得产权者。 |