To dry up; wither; scorch. 使干枯;使凋萎;薰灼。 The flames seared her arms when she tried to put out the fire. 她想要灭火时,火焰已将她的手臂灼伤了。 To burn to dryness and hardness on the surface; brand; cauterize. 烧焦;烧灼(表面使干硬);烙;灸。 The bitter experience of betrayal seared his soul forever after. 被出卖的痛苦经验永远烙在他的灵魂。 To render callous or unfeeling; harden. 使麻木;使无感觉;硬化。 to sear one's conscience 使天良汨没。 Withered; dried; blasted, as vegetation. (植物)凋萎的;干的;枯萎的。 Small catch in the lock of a gun to hold the hammer at half or full cock. (枪的)击针键;逆钩;扣机。 |