词汇 | imitate |
释义 | imitate /`ɪmәˏtet/ (过去式: imitated; 过去完成式: imitated; 现在进行式: imitating) v.t. To reproduce in form, color, qualities, conduct, and the like. 仿造;假冒;伪造。 The wood was painted to imitate marble. 这木头上了漆使它看起来像大理石。 To use as a model or pattern; take example by. 仿效;摹拟;模仿。 The boy imitates his father's every act and word. 这小孩摹仿他父亲的言行。 To look like. 貌似。 Paper doilies are made to imitate lace ones. 纸垫巾制得与钩花垫巾相似。 cf. To imitate is to pattern after another, consciously of not. Imitate 指有意或无意地模仿。 To mimic is to imitate, with the purpose of amusing others at the expense of the victim. Mimic 指使被模仿者成为他人取笑对象而模仿。 To mock is to imitate in an insulting of jeering manner. Mock 乃以侮辱或讥嘲的方式模仿。 To ape is to imitate outward appearances without reasoning. as a monkey would copy actions. Ape 指不加思索而模仿他人之外表(如猴子学人之动作): to ape one's superiors 模仿上司。 synonyms mimic, mock, ape. |
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