词汇 | back |
释义 | back /bak/ back 1 n. The hinder part of the body of the man; in other animals, the surface from the neck of the end of the backbone. 人身之背部;动物之背脊。 carry on one’s back 背在背上。 The opposite of the front; the hinder part of anything. 背面;后部。 the back of the woods 森林之浓密处。 The side of anything away from, or out of sight of, the beholder. 看不见之一面。 The part of a book where the leaves are sewed in. 书背。 The part of a knife, sword, etc., opposite to the cutting edge. 刀背。 The vertical part of a chair, sofa, etc., used to support the spine. 椅背;沙发背。 In athletic games, a position behind the front line; also, a player in such a position. 【体】球赛中之守卫地位;后卫球员。 phrases back and belly 背与腹;衣与食。 back to back (a)背对背。(b)(指两件类似的事件)相接而来;紧接。 at one's back (=at the back of) 在幕后支持或维护(某人或某事)。 at the back of one's mind (a)放在脑中酝酿。(b)暂忘。 behind one's back 暗中;在背后。 be on one's back (a)卧病在床。(b)挑毛病;找麻烦。(c)计穷力竭。 break one's back (a)给某人太多工作;使不胜负荷。(b)使某人失败,(尤指)使(某人)破产。 break the back of (a)克服(工作等的)困难部份。(b)克服或击败某种制度、辩论等。 flat on one's back 无能为力;被击败。 get off one's back 【美】【俚】不再找某人麻烦。 Get [put; set] one's back up (a)触怒某人。(b)生气。(c)固执。 get (have) sb's own back on 【口】报复;报仇。 give sb a back (=make a back of) (在骑马游戏中)当马;弯背当马(供人跳过)。 know like the back of one's hand 非常熟悉(某地等);了若指掌。 on (upon) the back of (a)在...的背后。(b)加添(麻烦不幸等)。 put somebody's back into 【口】尽全力作某事。 sb's back is turned 【口】(某人)不在场(疏于管理)时。 see the back of 【口】看某人离开;愈i走某人。 stab sb in the back 【口】暗箭伤人。 the back of beyond 【英】远方;极端偏远之地。 turn one's back on (upon) 背弃;逃离;不理睬。 with (have) sb's back to (against) the wall 处于绝境;将作背水一战。 You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 【口】互相帮助;投桃报李。 (过去式: backed; 过去完成式: backed; 现在进行式: backing) v.t. To furnish with a back. 加衬作背景。 This bay is backed with hills. 这海湾后面有山相衬。 To get upon the back of, or mount. 乘;骑。 To second or support. 支持;拥护。 He backed up his opinion with a wager. 他坚决支持其主张。 To bet on the successful outcome of. 下赌注于。 To sign or endorse. 签字;背书。 To cause to move to the rear. 使后退。 v.i. To move backward; esp. to shift counterclockwise (said of the wind) 倒退;(尤指风向呈逆时钟方向)逆转。 phrases back and fill 【美】犹疑不定;踌躇。 back away (a)倒退。(b)撤退;放弃。 back down (from) 放弃;退让。 back into 偶然获得。 back off 退出。 back out of 爽约;背信;撤消。 back the field (=back the wrong horse) 【体】(赛马)下注于冷门的马;【口】支持错误的对象(尤其竞争中的失败者)。 back up (a)支持拥护。(b)(使)向后移动。(c)【美】阻滞不动(如:The sink is backed up. 水槽阻塞了)。 back water (a)后退。(b)【航】调转航向。(c)改变主意。 adj. Lying or being behind as to time, situation, or direction. (时间、情况、方向上)落后的;在后的。 a back entrance 后门。 Moving backward. 向后退的;倒退的。 back slang 倒读俚语(如yob=boy)。 Overdue, no longer current. 拖欠的;过期的;过时的。 a back rent 拖欠的房租。 phrases a back door 后门。 back number (a)过期刊物。(b)【贬】过时之人(物);老古董。 idoms back country 【美】内地;偏僻地区。 back door (a)后门。(b)【喻】秘密的手段。 back end (a)后端。(b)【英】季节后期;晚秋。 back matter 【美】书的后记。 back pay 欠薪。 back seat (a)后座。(b)【口】不显眼、不重要的地位。 back vowel 【语音】后舌母音。 back 2 adv. To or toward the rear; away. 向后;远离。 The house stands back from the road. 这房子离马路有一段距离。 To a toward a former place, state or condition. 复原(位置状态时间等)。 to come back 回来。 To or toward time past. 回溯从前。 back in 1900 溯至1900年。 far back in the Middles Ages 远在中古时期。 In withdrawal. 取消;收回。 Take back your hasty words. 收回你鲁莽的话。 In concealment or reserve. 藏匿。 He kept back part of the truth. 他隐匿一部分实情。 In return. 还报。 to pay back 偿还。 phrases back and forth 来回地。(= to and fro; up and down) back of (a)【美】在后边。(b)支持;帮助。(c)致使(发生);起因于。 back to grind stone 重返岗位。 be back 【口】回去;回家。 give it back to sb 以牙还牙。 get back on sb 背叛某人;出卖某人。 hang back 迟迟不进;裹足不前。 hark back (a)言归正传;回转。(b)旧事重提。 there and back 来回(到某地再返回原处)。 |
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