A regular payment for services rendered; recompense. 薪水;报酬。 salary savings insurance 雇主从员工薪水中扣除保险费而直接缴与保险公司的人寿制度。 To pay regular recompense to. 付薪金。 Salary is the fixed periodical payment made to those who do professional or mental work. 指按时付与之俸金。 Salary is the fixed periodical payment made to those who do professional or mental work. Salary 指按时付与之俸金。 A wage is payment for mechanical or manual work; it is also fixed and periodical, but it is considered less stable, and is usually paid at shorter intervals than a salary. Wage 指给机械匠或手工艺者之工资,亦系按时而付,但较不稳定,其付与之时间常较salary 为短。 Pay is used in the sense of wage and salary; it suggests actual money given for goods services. or debts. Pay 指为货物、工作、债务而付款。 Fee denoted the sum asked by a professional man for his services. Fee 指专业人员为工作而要求之用费: |