To attend closely, so as to hear. 留心听;倾听。 She listened to the radio. 她听收音机。 I listened for his step. 我注意听他的脚步声。 We listened, but heard nothing. 我们聆听但无所闻。 He never listens to what we say. 他从不把我们的话放在心上。 listen in (a)用无线电收音机倾听。(b)窃听。 To listen is to make the effort to hear. Listen 指有意仔细去听。 To hear is to perceive by the ear, as a whistle or cry. Hear 指听到(如啸声、呼声)。 We may hear without listening, and we may listen without hearing. 我们可以闻而不听,亦可听而不闻。 |