To fall in or together. 崩溃。 The earthquake caused many buildings to collapse. 地震导致许多建筑物倒塌。 To break down physically. 衰弱;病倒。 The fireman collapsed from smoke inhalation. 救火员因吸入烟而不支倒地。 The negotiations collapsed when no agreement could be reached. 因协议不成而使谈判破裂。 This cot collapses so that it can be stored easily. 卧床可摺叠而易于收藏。 A falling in or together. 崩溃;瓦解。 Sudden and complete failure. 忽然失败;全然失败。 General prostration. 虚脱;衰弱。 The man's collapse was caused by overwork. 那人因工作过度而累倒了。 |