Pride must have a fall. 骄者必败。 Haughtiness; disdain. 傲慢;轻慢。 A sense of personal dignity; high and dignified self-respect. 自尊;自豪。 That of which one is proud. 令人引以自豪的人或物。 His daughter was his pride. 他的女儿是他引以为傲的人。 The best or highest part of anything. 最高点;最盛点;全盛时期。 He was in the pride of his manhood. 他正值壮年。 Mettle in horses. 马的勇气[精神]。 Pride goes [goeth] before a fall. 骄者必败。 peacock in his pride 开屏的孔雀。 sb's pride and joy 某人心爱得意之物。 the pride of the morning 黎明的雾(好天气的预兆)。 the pride of the world 【古】虚荣。 To indulge in self-esteem. 自傲。 |