A machine for ironing cloth, esp. damp linen, between roller. (轮压式)轧布机(烫衣物用);轧光机。 To iron in a mangle, as cloth, sheets, etc. 用机器轧布;用机器轧光。 To cut to pieces; maim; mutilate by cutting or hacking. 割碎;撕裂;砍碎。 After the accident they tried to find out who the people were, but the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized. 灾变后他们试图找出罹难者是谁,却因尸体支离破碎而无法辨认。 To spoil in the performing or making; make a botch of. (在做的过程中因失误而)弄糟;破坏;损毁。 |