To creep or steal away privately or meanly; slink. 潜行;暗行;偷溜。 The man sneaked about the apartment watching for a chance to steal something. 那个人在公寓附近徘徊不去,伺机窃物。 She sneaked into the room. 她偷偷潜入房间。 To tell tales; inform. 【英】【俚】告密;打小报告。 sneak past a guard 悄悄地逃过耳目而离开。 A mean, cowardly fellow. 卑劣胆怯之人。 A boy or girl who tells tales. 【英】【俚】向老师告密的学生。 sneak preview 不对大众公开的新片放映(以了解观众反应)。 |