To secure money from by threats. 勒索。 The men tried to blackmail the senator by saying that they would make it known that he had once been in prison. 那些人藉着要公开那国会议员曾入狱的事而勒索他。 To coerce by threat of blackmail. 以勒索的方式欺压。 Don't think you can blackmail me into doing that. I'll report you to the police. 不要认为你能胁迫我做那件事,我要报警。 A tax formerly paid to freebooters on the Scottish border to secure protection from theft. 贡品(古时苏格兰边境居民赠与盗贼之财物,以免受其劫掠)。 Payment of money under threat of public accusation or exposure of illegal or immoral acts. 勒索的钱款。 Threat of such accusation or exposure. 勒索;敲诈。 |