To allot; apportion; set apart for a particular purpose; point out exactly. 分派;分配;规定;指定。 They have assigned a small room to me. 他们分配了一个小房间给我。 Let's assign a day for the meeting. 我们来决定开会的日期。 The judge has assigned a day for the trial. 法官已指定审讯的日期。 The vessel was assigned for the expedition. 这条船已被派作远征之用。 To transfer or make over to another, as for the benefit of creditors. 【法律】转让;让与;过户(如为债主之利益而让与)。 I have assigned them my large house as I couldn't pay the debt. 因我不能偿还债款,我已经将我的大房子过户给他们。 To appoint, as to or for a post or duty. 委派;指派。 He was assigned to the library. 他被派到图书馆任职。 They assigned him to stand guard. 他们指派他当卫兵。 To ascribe or attribute; refer. 归(于)。 One to whom property or interest is left or made over by will or deed. 受托者;财产受益人;承继人。 adj. assignable. n. assigner. |