To admit as true; concede; agree consent. 同意;承认;赞同;许可。 I won't assent to her plan. 我不会赞同她的计划。 The act of agreeing; consent; acquiescence; approval; concurrence. 赞同;允诺;默许;认可。 To assent is to agree by act of the understanding. Assent 指了解后而表示赞同: I assent to your terms. 我赞成你的条件。 To consent is to agree by act of will or through the influence of the feelings. Consent 乃因意志或感情作用而表示赞同或允许: We consent to do a favor. 我们答应帮忙。 不要混淆 Assent 和 Ascent。Assent 是同意或允许: You can leave the hospital only with the doctor's assent. 只有医生同意你才能离开医院。 the ascent of Mount Everest 攀登埃弗勒斯峰。 |