An attack with violence by physical means; an onslaught. 殴打;攻击。 An attack by military force. 袭击;突击。 A violent attack by moral force, as by use of argument or hostile words. 精神上之攻击(如用辩论或攻击性的文字)。 An unlawful attempt or threat to do bodily violence or injury to another. 【法律】人身伤害之企图(威胁)。 To storm, as by armed forces. 袭击。 The soldier assaulted the fort. 士兵们袭击堡垒。 To attack by moral force. 施予精神上之攻击。 To threaten or attempt bodily violence or injury to (another). 威胁。 to assault one's enemy 胁迫仇敌。 assault and battery 【法律】人身伤害。 |