词汇 | devil |
释义 | devil /`dєvḷ/ n. The evil spirit; Satan. 恶魔;撒旦。 A false god or demon. 恶鬼;邪神。 An excessively wicked person. 极邪恶的人。 An unfortunate person. 可怜不幸的人。 The poor devil deserves pity. 那可怜虫值得怜悯。 A daring or reckless person. 胆大妄为者。 A expletive. 【口】表惊愕困恼等语助词。 What the devil is it? 到底捣什么鬼? A printer's helper. 印刷厂的学徒。 Any of various machines, as one for shredding rags in paper making. 撕碎机(造纸所用)。 phrases devil a bit 绝无...。 devil a one 【英】一个也没有。 Devil take it! 畜生!糟了! a (the) devil (hell; deuce) of an (a) 非常的;可恶的。 beat the (a) devil's tattoo 【古】无目的地拍手或以脚击地(表无聊,不耐烦等情绪)。 between the devil and the deep (blue) sea 进退维谷;进退两难。 give the devil his due 对于不喜欢的人或坏人,仍宜公平待之,承认其优点(平心而论)。 go to the devil 破灭;染上恶习;堕落。 Go to the devil! 滚开!去你的! He that sups with the devil must have long spoon. 【谚】与坏人打交道要提高警觉。 It is devil take the hindmost. 落后遭殃。 It's the devil. 【英】这下惨了! like the devil 猛烈。 play the (very) devil with 毁坏;糟蹋;严重伤害。 raise the devil 【口】引起大骚动;大肆喧嚣。 Speak (Talk) of the devil and he is sure to appear. 【谚】说曹操,曹操到。 the devil 畜生!屁!去你的!(强调、加在疑问句后面);究竟;(强烈否定)绝无...。 the devil and all 一团糟。 The devil finds work for idle hands. 【谚】恶始于闲;万恶皆源自于游手好闲。 The devil has the best tunes. 【谚】小人当道;淫乐多诱人。 The devil looks after his own. 【谚】小人得意。 the devil's own job 棘手的事。 The devil take it! 【俚】倒霉! the devil to pay 大难临头。 The devil you will (won't). (用以表示很不客气地说出极端不同的看法)哼!才不呢!才怪! the very devil 很困难或很卖力。 to the devil with 管他的;不必在意。 (过去式: deviled, devilled; 过去完成式: deviled, devilled; 现在进行式: deviling, devilling) v.t. To plague, torment, or tease. 使烦累;虐待;揶揄。 To chop (cooked eggs, crab, etc.) fine and season hot. (将煮熟的蛋等)切碎并加入辛辣的调味料。 v.i. To serve or work. 作...的助手;代...工作。 idoms devil's advocate 【宗】(天主教)列圣审查官(对应列入圣徒者之德行提出反证者);吹毛求疵者;唱反调的人。 devil's Bible 扑克牌。 |
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