The total or partial darkening of the light of a heavenly body, as the sun or moon caused by its entering the shadow of another body. 【天】蚀(如日月星辰之全蚀或偏蚀)。 An overshadowing; temporary failure. 遮蔽;暂时丧失。 His glory has suffered an eclipse. 他的荣耀已暂时消失。 To darken or conceal, as one body by another. 蚀;掩蔽。 The moon eclipsed the sun. 月使日蚀。 To outshine; surpass. 使失色;优越于。 partial lunar eclipse 【天】月偏蚀。 partial solar eclipse 【天】日偏蚀。 total lunar eclipse 【天】月全蚀。 total solar eclipse 【天】日全蚀。 |