That from which anything rises or originates. 根本;起源;来源。 Intemperance is the source of many evils. 纵欲为万恶之源。 A spring or fountain, sp. as the origin of a stream. 源;泉源。 Person cited as authority. 权威消息来源者。 A firsthand document or primary reference work. 出处;原始资料。 To specify the source of (as quoted material). 标明(引文)出处。 Student's report should be thoroughly sourced. 学生报告中的引文都应标明出处。 To obtain (parts or materials) from another business, country, or locale for manufacture. 新辟来(货)源;从其他公司、国家或地区取得(零件或原料)。 They sourced the IC chips from our company. 他从我们公司买进 IC 晶片。 To obtain parts or materials from another business, country, or locale. 新辟来(货)源;从其他公司、国家或地区取得(零件或原料)。 source material (调查、研究等之)资料。 |