Sole; single' alone in its class or kind. 唯一的;单独的;仅有的。 I believe John is the only person who know about it. 我想约翰视为一知道那件事的人。 Unquestionably the best. 最优秀的。 Man cannot live one bread only. 人不能单靠面包生活。 At the very least; merely. 仅仅;才。 I was only joking. 我开玩笑罢了。 He came only yesterday. 他昨天才来。 You will only be sorry. 你最终的机会。 not only...but (also) 不但...,而且...。 Except; but. 除;不过((that))。 The day is pleasant, only rather cold. 天气不错,不过很冷。 |