The projecting tube, nozzle, or the like, through which a liquid is poured. 喷嘴;喷口。 A stream or jet of liquid. 喷水柱。 go to the spout 【俚】毁灭;化为乌有。 put up the spout 【俚】处于绝望之境;无法挽救;已经典当。 To throw out forcibly in a jet or stream, as from a pipe. (自管争)喷射出。 The whales spout water. 鲸鱼喷水。 A volcano spouts flame. 火山喷出火焰。 To utter pompously. 【口】朗朗而诵;吟唱。 To come forth with violence in a jet or stream, as liquid from a pipe. (自管中)喷出。 Blood spouts from an artery. 血自动脉中喷出。 To speak in a pompous manner. 【口】侃侃而谈。 He spouts off about things he knows nothing about. 他对自己一无所知的事滔滔而言。 spout billy 在酒店内朗诵莎士比亚作品以维生。 |