The territory ruled by a king or queen; realm of a king. 国王;王权所及之领域。 Any sphere of influence or activity. 领域;范围。 the kingdom of the mind 心智之范围。 The woman's kingdom is home. 家庭为妇女之活动范围。 One of the classes into which all natural objects are divided. 【生物】界。请参见 taxonomy。 the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdoms 动物界、矿物界与植物界。 The spiritual rule of God. 上帝主掌的心灵之国;天国。 blow [send] to kingdom come (=blow to glory [blazes]) 【口】送上西天(尤指以爆炸或其他暴力方式)。 knock to kingdom come 殴击(某人)使失去知觉。 until kingdom come 【口】等着瞧吧! |