Pertaining to Poland, its language, or its people. 波兰的;波兰语的;波兰人的。 The language of the Poles. 波兰语。 To make smooth or glossy by rubbing. 磨光;擦亮。 To make polite or refined. 使娴雅;使文雅。 His speech needs polishing. 他的语言需要润饰。 To become smooth or glossy. 变为有光泽。 This wood won't polish. 这木头漆不光。 To become polite and refined. 变为文雅脱俗。 polish off (a)【俚】全部弄完。(b)【俚】摆脱;打倒。 A smooth, glossy surface. 光泽之面。 A mixture for making a surface smooth and glossy. 光泽剂。 Elegance of manners. 文雅有礼。 shine, rub, burnish, furbish. |