In apothecaries, weight, a weight of one third of a dram, or twenty grains. 药剂衡量名(相当于三分之一打兰或二十喱)。 A very small quantity. 极微之量。 An ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action. 道德的顾忌。 He did it without scruple. 他无所顾忌地做。 make no scruple to (do) 没以顾忌地去做。 man of no scruples 什么坏事都做得出来的人。 To hesitate from conscientious motives. 顾忌;迟疑;踌躇。 He scrupled when it came to disobeying his mother. 真要他违抗母命时,他却迟疑不敢行动。 |