Any of several hawthorns, small, move or less thorny trees. 山楂树。 The fruit or the flower of any of these trees. 山楂果;山楂花。 A third eyelid found in many animals. (兽类的)瞬膜。 A disease of the haw. 瞬膜病。 A hesitation or faltering in speech. 言语支吾;结结巴巴。 The sound produced by this faltering. 嗫嚅声。 To speak with interruption and hesitation. 言语支吾;吞吐;作支吾声。 A sound made by a driver to direct his team to the left. 吆喝牲畜左转的声音。 To turn toward the left. 左转;使左转。 |