A place of accustomed resort. 常到的地方。 the haunt of outlaws 匪徒常出没之处。 To visit frequently or habitually. 常至;屡至。 a way which was not much haunted 不常有人走的路。 To trouble with frequent visits, as an apparition. 纠缠;骚扰(如幽灵之出现)。 Phantoms haunt those shadowy streets. 幽灵时常出没于那些阴暗街头。 To come to mind continually. (思想、回忆等)萦绕。 A painful recollection will haunt a person through life. 苦痛的回忆将终生萦绕于心。 To remain or visit persistently or habitually. 屡至;常临。 adv. hauntingly. n. haunter. |