Something given as a return for good or ill received, esp. in appreciation of praiseworthy conduct. 回报;报答;报应。 Money offered for service or for the return of something lost. 酬金;报酬。 He was granted a pension in reward for his services. 他得到一笔养老金作为他辛勤工作的报酬。 in reward for 回报;作为...的奖赏。 To given in return for (good or ill received). 报答;回答。 She rewarded my efforts. = She rewarded me for my efforts. 她酬报我的辛苦。 To show appreciation of by giving something. 酬谢。 He was rewarded for saving a drowning child. 他因拯救溺水的小孩而得到酬谢。 n, pay, remuneration, compensation. |