To train by use; practice. 训练;练习。 I exercise my dog in the park. 我在公园里训练狗。 He exercises care in crossing the street. 他小心谨慎的过街。 A person should exercise his right as a citizen by voting. 人人应投票以行使公民权。 To make anxious. (常用被动)忧虑;困扰。 He was much exercised over the affair. 他极为此事担心。 To undergo training. 受训练;练习。 Bodily exertion; activity for the sake of mental or physical development. 体操;活动(以求身心之发达)。 Exercise is good for health. 运动有益健康。 A lesson or example for practice. 习题;练习。 The ceremony ending a course in school. 结业式。 graduating exercises 毕业典体。 Performance, as of a duty or an office. 执行(如职务之执行)。 Series of movements for training military forces. (训练部队之)演习。 |